Pepper Bank

The first mobile-native banking service, Pepper helps people understand their finances and achieve their personal and budgetary goals.

A mobile application advertisement in Hebrew, displayed on a smartphone screen against a dual-tone background that transitions from blue to purple. The smartphone screen shows an interface with Hebrew text, three circular icons representing users, and two buttons at the bottom for downloading the app from Google Play and the App Store. On the right side of the image, there are three numbered points in Hebrew alongside a question, also in Hebrew.
A video of a website with a purple and white color scheme. The top section has a navigation bar with various options in Hebrew text. Below the navigation bar, there is a large headline in Hebrew, which appears to be an advertisement or article title, followed by smaller subtext and a call-to-action button. In the center of the image is a smartphone displaying what seems to be an app interface with Hebrew text. Below this central section are more navigational elements and snippets of articles or links with accompanying images, all in Hebrew. The layout suggests that this is likely a news or content platform designed for mobile users.
A stylized promotional graphic with vibrant pink and blue hues featuring an obscured central figure surrounded by various design elements including icons and Hebrew text.

We teamed up with Pepper in 2017 to define their strategy, service, digital experience, and brand. Since then, our partnership has evolved into a suite of apps and new capabilities. Fast forward to present day: We’re launching a new website to showcase Pepper’s full range of offerings.

Pepper needed to balance its position as a digital-first, boundary-pushing financial service while also establishing their credibility as a bank – but not just any bank. By focusing on Pepper’s core services and evolving the visual identity we created in 2017, Designit helped communicate Pepper’s unique value proposition and the brand’s strengths.

A website page in Hebrew, featuring a grayscale photograph of a person from behind, looking towards what appears to be street art of a face with an open mouth. The person’s face is obscured by pixelation for privacy. In the foreground, there is Hebrew text in white that translates to “The whole city 16-18,” followed by larger text that says “Discounts up to half price.” The website navigation bar at the top includes various categories such as “All Deals,” “Products,” “Coupons,” and more, suggesting this is an e-commerce or deals platform.

Our modular approach communicates Pepper's strengths while keeping the ongoing maintenance overhead low. To achieve this, a minimum number of components can be rearranged to build product pages.

The image displays a series of four smartphone screens, each within a separate colored background. Starting from the left, the first screen shows a mobile application with Hebrew text and an interface that includes a live chat feature. The second screen is obscured and cannot be described. The third screen shows what appears to be a planner or calendar app with days of the week in Hebrew and additional Hebrew text, set against a dark background with grid lines. The fourth screen displays another mobile application featuring what seems to be a credit card and more Hebrew text, against a purple and black cosmic-like background with stars.

On the new website, modular building blocks are responsive on all devices, and the system will scale and adapt with Pepper’s needs of tomorrow. The Pepper team now has an online canvas to more effectively and coherently communicate.




