The first mobile-native banking service, Pepper helps people understand their finances and achieve their personal and budgetary goals.
We teamed up with Pepper in 2017 to define their strategy, service, digital experience, and brand. Since then, our partnership has evolved into a suite of apps and new capabilities. Fast forward to present day: We’re launching a new website to showcase Pepper’s full range of offerings.
Pepper needed to balance its position as a digital-first, boundary-pushing financial service while also establishing their credibility as a bank – but not just any bank. By focusing on Pepper’s core services and evolving the visual identity we created in 2017, Designit helped communicate Pepper’s unique value proposition and the brand’s strengths.
Our modular approach communicates Pepper's strengths while keeping the ongoing maintenance overhead low. To achieve this, a minimum number of components can be rearranged to build product pages.

On the new website, modular building blocks are responsive on all devices, and the system will scale and adapt with Pepper’s needs of tomorrow. The Pepper team now has an online canvas to more effectively and coherently communicate.
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