Moove Group

In the summer of 2021, Dantaxi acquired HB-Care the leading operator in Denmark for transporting those with accessibility needs. With this acquisition, Dantaxi took an important step towards becoming a market leader within the Danish mobility sector and thus needed to create a corporate mobility brand to tie the two business areas together.

Stylized text reading ‘moove’ with the two 'o’s connected by an infinity symbol, suggesting continuous or infinite movement.

We created a visual identity and a brand platform that elevate transportation to a higher level. With the brand platform, ‘People moove people’, we shifted the focus from taxis, vehicles and speed to human beings and connections.

Moove Logo Artwork Explanation Video
An individual sitting in the driver’s seat of a car, with their hands on the steering wheel. The car’s interior, including the dashboard, is visible.

The visual identity invites the viewer in through the logo and photography style. The logo –using the two o’s as symbols for start and destination – invites people along on the Moove journey from A to B. The photography style invites people into the Moove vehicles to join the passengers and chauffeurs on their journey.

Top Photo: A man with blonde hair is getting into a car. He appears to be adjusting something on the back of the front seat while leaning in from the open car door. The background is slightly blurred, showing someone else standing outside the car, partially visible.  Bottom Photo: A close-up side profile of a woman with light-colored hair sitting in a car at night. The background shows a cityscape with blurred lights, likely from traffic outside the window, giving a sense of movement or travel. The woman appears to be looking out the window, lost in thought.
Two individuals with their faces obscured by brown rectangles, one assisting the other into a vehicle. The person being assisted is wearing a light orange top and beige pants, while the assistant is in a black outfit with an ID badge around the neck. They are outdoors, with lush green foliage in the background and part of another individual in high-visibility clothing visible on the left edge of the frame.

The identity unfolds in a series of soft gradients inspired by the ever-changing sky on the horizon, constantly moving, just like Moove.

The colours are based on the brand colours of the two sub-brands – Dantaxi and HB Care. When needed, the gradients allow Moove to seamlessly adapt to the two sub-brands, giving them a flexible visual identity that can easily and naturally communicate both brands.

The visual identity was unfolded on both printed and digital applications – accompanied by a comprehensive visual guideline.

Video showcasing the new banding.
A hardcover book lying on a flat surface with a modern cover design transitioning from green to white. The black spine of the book reads ‘Brand Book.’ Labels on the cover point to different parts: ‘Brand’ on the front cover, ‘Back’ on the back cover, and ‘Spine’ on the spine. The word ‘Move’ is partially visible on the front cover with an arrow pointing towards it, suggesting movement or transition.
A collection of four papers with gradient color designs, laid out on a flat surface. Each paper has a different color scheme: green to yellow (top left), blue to purple (top right), orange to yellow (bottom left), and pink to red (bottom right). The word ‘moove’ in lowercase letters is prominently displayed on each paper along with smaller text beneath it.
Video showcasing the new brand identity.
The image shows three people gathered in a parking lot. They are standing and one of them appears to be going into their car. There are some trees and greenery visible in the background, adding a touch of nature to the scene. The atmosphere seems lively and social.
Video showcasing different examples of the new branding.
A collection of open magazines spread out on a surface, displaying various pages with text and images including photographs of people, objects, and colored backgrounds. The arrangement provides a glimpse into the diverse content within the magazines.
Graphic design featuring text and overlapping numbers. On the left, two sections of text read ‘With Moove, Dantaxi & Hb-Care have taken the first steps’ and ‘Towards new paths, to the future of mobility,’ each under headings ‘Rand Display’ and ‘Rand Text.’ On the right is a large transparent overlapping number 23 in bold font on a light background
Video showcasing some of the elements used to create the new brand.
A set of sixteen simple, outlined icons arranged in a grid. The icons represent various objects and concepts, including a person, briefcase, hot beverage cup, battery, heart, umbrella, calendar with the number 31, taxi cab, accessibility symbol, Wi-Fi signal, detailed person, ID card, electric plug, headphones, recycling arrows, and upload/download arrows.
A collection of business cards and printed materials with a minimalist design, laid out on a beige surface. The central focus is a white business card with the text ‘mo-ove’ in black, stylized font, where the letter ‘o’ is represented by two overlapping circles. The background includes other items with contact information and company branding elements.
A collage of photographs and text blocks, likely from a brochure or presentation. On the left, a person with their face obscured by a blurred rectangle stands in front of a green leafy background, wearing a gray blazer. The center features two clasped hands, one appearing older with visible veins and hair. The right side shows part of an orange car’s rear light and trunk. Various text blocks are present, discussing themes related to mobility and human connection.
Two digital tablets side by side. The left tablet shows a blurred background with text overlay reading ‘mo-ove group’ and a partially visible paragraph. An obscured image of a person’s face is behind a colored block. The right tablet displays a website interface with headings like ‘About us’ and numerical data points such as ‘2300’ and ‘220 million.’ Below are images of people outdoors, one riding a bicycle and another walking, labeled ‘Darktai.

‘With the new Moove brand, our two sub brands – Dantaxi and HB-Care – have been given a shared narrative with a clear purpose that elevates itself from our services. It’s something our employees can truly identify with.’

Vibeke Wolfsberg

CCO at Moove Group


Red Dot Award 2023



Project team

Frida Setterberg

Anna Brorson Olsen

Simon Holm Larsen

Per Nordström

Casper Holbek

Carsten Henriksen

Sara Vujic

Jacob Lister Haugen

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