Hello, World!

Designit. It’s a call to action to make the difference we want to see in the world. It’s how we’ll achieve progress – shared progress – in business and society. There’s no doubt, design touches all of our lives and has the ability to improve it.
After 30 years of designing the way people live, work and play, we took the opportunity to examine the meaning and methods behind our work. The complexity of organisations and our lives is very different than it was back then. There are new challenges, new frontiers to explore. Putting long-term partnerships and the goal of shared progress at the heart of what we do. Say hello to a new chapter in Designit’s story.
We’re now a more global company than we’ve ever been, with a full creative service offering and a new visual identity to match our ambitions. Of course, with the same drive and unwavering passion for creating designs & experiences that address the biggest challenges we see now and in the future.
If you’re curious to know how we can help your organisation shine, hop over to our work, services, and the industries we help progress, or simply share what's on your mind.