Businesses are in very messy and complex environments, where everything connects and affects everything else. A landscape view of your business and surrounding actants at multiple levels can help create insights that inform your business’ directions and strategies.
In this offer, we will use visual methods to create an engaging representation of your business landscape to gain a holistic picture.
Why is this relevant?
Getting an understanding of influencing factors and underlying dynamics in your surrounding landscape can help strategise future directions and opportunities. IT can also be a fantastic tool for alignment, envisioning and shaping strategy. We will use our expertise to help you identify key points of improvement to optimise your product faster - which in turn will help you succeed in the market.
What will you gain?
At the end of the package, you will gain...
- Insights from your surrounding landscape
- A holistic, big picture view of your company and surrounding actants
- An engaging visual tool that can be used to create engagement and alignment in your company
- Hands-on co-creative process across sectors of your organisation
- An insight into design-driven processes
Minimum 4 weeks. Time, team capacity and approach can be catered on-request.
It is required to have a project partner on your organisation’s side to work with and involve along the way.
We curate the groups based on availability. Get in touch with the course contacts below to signup. Business courses can be tailored on a case-by-case basis.