A graphical

Our illustration style is rooted in the heritage of graphic design. De Stijl, Bauhaus, early graphic posters all provide inspiration and a grounding in the fundamentals. Building blocks, such as strong outlines, primary colours and repeating graphic patterns, provide the basis for our unique style.

Illustration categories

Hero illustrations

Our hero illustrations are abstract expressions of a concept or idea. Bold and dynamic, they represent our core offerings and big ideas. They are less literal, vibrant brand expressions, designed to excite and inspire and are used primarily in our top-level communications.

Scenes & objects

Our scene illustrations express situations, methods or outputs. Less abstract than our hero illustrations, they are a more literal representation of how we work, what we do and what we produce. However, they still maintain a certain level of abstraction through irregular perspectives and playful compositions.


Icons are a visual shorthand for simple concepts such as methods, tools, markets and services. They can make a page or presentation more visually engaging, provide context and help decode a more abstract term or idea. To keep our visual language consistent, our icon style is a more pared-back version of our illustration style.

Icon grid

Base grid – 20 x 20 units

Outline construction

Colour and fill

All of our icons employ a grid to guide construction. This helps maintain consistency in scale across all icons and provides a guide for geometry. The grid is 20 units by 20 units with all icons maintaining a 2 unit buffer around all sides.